Know the facts about COVID-19
Diseases can make anyone sick regardless of their race or ethnicity.
Fear and anxiety about COVID-19 can cause people to avoid or reject others even though they are not at risk for spreading the virus.
For most people, the immediate risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low.
Some people may have an increased risk for more serious complications from COVID-19 and should take measures to protect themselves.
Someone who has completed quarantine or has been released from isolation does not pose a risk of infection to other people.
For up-to-date information, visit CDC’s coronavirus disease situation summary page.
There are simple things you can do to help keep yourself and others healthy.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
You can help stop COVID-19 by knowing the signs and symptoms:
- Fever, cough or other symptoms
- Most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider.
- Keep track of your symptoms.
- If you have an emergency warning sign (including trouble breathing), get emergency medical care immediately.