Join us for our Annual Meeting hosted by Mental Health America of Putnam County for a chance to reflect upon our year and thank those who have made a difference in Putnam County.
Awards will be presented for Person of the Year and Educator of the Year, for those who have made an impact for the mental health and wellness in our community.
Dr. Nancy Holsapple, Indiana State Director of Special Education, will be our speaker, sharing the good things going on at the IDOE (Indiana Department of Education) in regards to SEL (social-emotional learning) and mental health for students and teachers.
Doors (both in person and virtually) open at 6:30, event starts at 7:00.
How to Join: Connect your preferred way either through a web browser, through the Zoom App, on a computer or smart phone. So you don’t have to enter a password, it will then ask to join the event. We will have a person ‘letting’ everyone in. The event URL/website will connect you directly to the virtual event!
Here is the official Zoom invitation:
Karen Martoglio (our Executive Director) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Mental Health America of Putnam County’s 2020/2021 Annual Meeting/Celebration
Time: May 10, 2021 06:30 PM Indiana (East)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 6208 7240
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Meeting ID: 856 6208 7240
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Note: Due to the pandemic, we will be requiring mask and social distancing. If you are experiencing any symptoms, we ask you to join us virtually.